The primary purposes of Meetero is to allow travelers and people in general to communicate each other to share travel experiences, to find friendship, love, collaboration or simply to casual chat. We use social algorithms, but contrary to other social media, our users are not a product and our algorithms are never against them. In particular:
Social media algorithms have gained some impopularity, but the algorithms themselves are not the culprint. They are like a knife. They may be useful or harmful, depeding on the way they are used. They are weapons of double cutting edge. They may be used solely to earn moneny in detriment of users or they may be used to improve a service utility and satisfy more users. Everything depends on its purpose. Most algorithms used today are there for censorship or advertising. Meetero doesn't use them for these purposes. We pretend to use algorithms solely to improve user experience.
We will illustrate here some example of both bad and popular algorithms used today by most web sites and social media.
This one is the simplest. It analizes the request IP address to determine the user's ISP physical location, and then, determine in which location the user approximately is. It is claimed to be used to customize the user's experience. For example, you live in Canada and you visit a social media about news, you will most probably see news and events occurring in Canada. This sounds good at first sight but the bad thing is that these customizations are imposed, they are never a choice from the user. If I prefer better to see news in Italy or in China, I will be forced to use a VPN, because they don't let me to pick the source of the news I want to see.
I can't decide what kind of information I want to see. The media will do it for me, based on common and opportunistinc assumptions. It's like the TV, I passively have to accept what the channel whant me to see. Why should I accept this imposition also in the internet if the internet is supposed to be free?
Geolocation is also used to restrict website access to some locations. For example, many American websites are made not avaiable in Russia, because the server detect the IP address and, being a Russian IP address, it refuses the connection and displays an error message.
Geolocation is also used to limit some website usage when you are not in your usual location, in the name of your "security".
Ultimately geolocation might be good or bad, depending on purpose, but, in practice, it's a technique to prevent your freedom, manipulate people, limiting their liberty of spech and their hability to choose the content they want. It is more a bad thing than a good thing and we strongly believe that it is a severe limitation to the free use of the internet. In dating sites, geolocalization is mostly used to show nearby people, but, most of the time, this is, again, an imposed choice and a social control.
Meetero only uses geolocation to make your life easier, for example, during the registration process, when it comes to choose a country and a city, it might be useful to automatically pick your location. You can change it if you want, but, if you are ok with it, it's less work for you. Another usage is the billing page, when you are purchasing additional services, we may customize the payment options based on your location, offering or favoring, for example, payment methods that are only available in your country. Outside these limited usages, Meetero doesn't use geolocation, not even to search people near you. Since we don't make assumptions about the physical distance of the people you want to search, we don't show nearby people, we just give you the choice to pick the location you want and change it every time if you want.
Social apps are constantly learning about your habits and your tastes to show you tailored ads and increase the chances you will buy a product. Dating sites are not different. Their main goal is not only to show you tailored ads, it is also to make your dating quest a failure, so you will keep trying and the more you will stay in the platform, the more you will see these ads.
Meetero is not strictly a dating site and it has a different business model and your success is our commitment. While we may run some ads to get some extra income, ads are not our central goal. Your success is our whole business and we make money by offer you additional paid services that will never compromise your experience.
Similar to tailored ads, but this is a way to sort relevant post in platforms that have a lot of user generated content. They claim that these algorithms are based on user interests and tastes, but in reality there is more involved, they are also based on the website's political vision, values and commercial interests. Meetero does not use tailored content. There is a limited user generated content on Meetero and everything is based on the people that the user searches.
Mobile phones have a unique identifier, the IMEI number, which can be accessed by software. Also they are linked to phone lines belonging to well known telecommunication companies. Even international providers, like Movistar or Bell, use country based networks and, outside roaming, which is more expensive, you can't get an international line, unless you get a satellite phone number, which usually has a high price. For this reason, platforms implement methods like two-ways authentication and they generally prefer that their users download their apps instead of visiting their website. With a computer, they can only know your ISP throughout your IP address, they can't know anything else. And, these days, where users personal data is the true deal, the more companies know about you, the better.
Another method to identify users is face recognition. Some apps, especially dating apps, use the phone camera to identify you and make sure your profile is really yours and not a fake profile or someone else's profile. The bad thing about this is that face recognition is not a perfect technique, it fails and a lot. It would be a terrible user experience if we implement it.
One thing is sure: companies, really don't care about your security. This is a bolshiit. All these measures to improve security only increase social control and data that companies have about you, data they will sell to some company or they will use to show you tailored ads.
We are not against apps and offering an app about Meetero is definitively in our agenda, but this would only be an alternative to our website, not an imposed choice. We don't use two-ways authentications because of the very nature of Meetero, which was designed to be used locally and abroad. We don't care about your data because your data is not our business. This is our position about use identification. Once more, we don't adopt measures that make things more complicated for the user. Sure, we don't want fake or deceiving profiles, but we have algorithmic ways to shadowban fake profiles and only show quality ones. We don't bother our users in any way. And now, let's talk about shadow ban.
This is a technique used by social media to hide your account from other users or limit its reach without letting you know. This measure may be applied for political reasons, because of your location or country or simply because your profile is flagged by views or behaviours that go against the political views or the values of the social media.
Behind a fake and hipocrit defense of the liberty of opinion, they don't openly censor you. They isntead do it by shadow ban. Reasons may be very different and they depends on a specific platform. As a simple example, if you create a Facebook post with a link, your post may not have the same reach. This because your link may be promotional and Facebook tries to prevent it from going viral, because you are not paying any advertisement. The same thing could happen if you publish something against the Harvard University, or if you take a position in the Jewish-Palestinian conflict that is against the social media views or for a serie of other reasons. You may be shadow-banned on Youtube, if you publish a video about a sensitive topic like suicide, for example.
Nothing of the above is proved, but anyone knows about it. As usage suggests, there are strong evidences that similar restrictions are present everywhere and, in fact, it's the social media that decides what it should go viral and what not. This happens with all social media and this also happens to dating sites, but for different reasons and with different effects.
Don't believe the story that things go viral only thanks to people interaction and organically. Read the title of this paragraph again, write it in your head, it's a big truth. What is our position anyway?
Meetero only shadow bans fake or deceptive profiles. Users decide all the rest!
This technique is especially used by search engines and dating sites to censor or limit your reach as a user. A search engine mught put on page 6 a website that does not belong to a big company or a government or that simply does not have the favor of the search engine. Similarly, a dating site may calculate your look based of swipes, votes or other techniques. If they determine you are average, you will only see average people.
This kind of tailored search results severely harms user experience and, once again, Meetero does not use them.
We already describe them in other pages, but we will summarize them here.
We don't have any other algorithm on Meetero. We consider that any other use of algorithms, especially when used against the user, are a threat to the freedom and liberty of expression and we don't use them. We don't have the right to algorithmically judge people attractiveness and put them in a category or another depending of this. Attractiveness just can't be determined by the only look and it surely can't be determined algorithmically. Making assumptions about people's tastes and using algorithms based on this would be completely disrespectful toward users. We don't score your profile depending on your appeal, your profile is scored in function of your involvement, and only a poorly filled profile or a very bad reputation may lead you to a shadow ban. We use several scoring systems, as you have seen. If your behaviour is deceptive, if your profile gets a lot of downvotes or reports, or worse, if your profile is fake or illegal, it will not only be shadow banned, it will also get deleted.
On Meetero we make things differently and we have different beliefs. We hope you will support us by using our service and recommending it to others.
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